Moles, warts, and skin tags are very unpleasant to look at but the skin lesion which causes a lot of embarrassment is the wart especially if it is located on the hands. Many individuals feel uncomfortable and they get embarrassed when other people see the warts on their hands. What are warts? Is there a way to remove them?Warts are considered skin lesions or tumors and they can occur in the different parts of the body. Warts look like tiny cabbages on your hands, knees, and feet. Warts are of different types and it is identified according to the location.
1. The common warts are upraised surfaces found on the knees and hands. Some individuals disregard them but you should give attention to it immediately so that it will not get worse.
2. Filiform warts are usually present on your face especially near the lips and eyelids. The warts appear threadlike or fingerlike on the skin’s surface.
3. Flat warts are found mostly on the knees, legs, hands, and face. As the word suggests, the warts appear flat and their color is the same as the skin.
4. Plantar warts are those warts found on the soles of your feet. This type of wart is quite painful.
5. When the plantar warts worsen and become clusters, it is already called mosaic warts.
6. The warts found in an individual’s genital area are called genital warts. Even if other people can’t see it, you will still feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. According to medical experts, warts are not harmful. In time, some warts heal. Despite this fact, most people want to remove the warts because it creates cosmetic problems.
Sometimes, even if you’re able to remove the warts, it will arise again. This can be very frustrating but if you want, you can try Ayurveda treatments.
In Ayurveda, you need to use herbs to cure the warts. Some of the herbs are banyan, dandelion, euphorbia, Indian sorrel, and rough chaff. You can consult some online resources on how to use the different herbs in removing the warts. Contrary to what other people think, there is no specific guideline pertaining to the diet especially in Ayurveda.
It is recommended that you try Kaseesadi Taila to treat the warts together with the herbs mentioned earlier. You can visit any Ayurveda related website to know more about this application. Ayurveda also believes in home remedies. You can prepare a mixture of onion juice and the Indian sorrel juice and apply it over the warts. If you have ghee and black pepper at home, you can add Indian sorrel juice to it and apply it to the warts especially if the warts are caused by biliousness.
If you don’t like external applications, you can take coriander leaves juice mixed with turmeric. Make sure that you take this daily. For those with potatoes at home, slice the potatoes and rub them everyday (ten times) to remove the warts. You can also apply banana peel, castor oil, garlic, grapefruit juice, and tea leaves to remove the warts. Use them as bandages everyday.
Now that you know the different wart types, you will be able to identify them immediately. Use the Ayurveda treatment options given in this article especially the herbal remedies so that you don’t shell out money just to remove the unsightly skin tumors or lesions.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Ayurveda Treatment and Wart Types
Effective Home Remedies for Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags
The skin lesions are caused by specific viruses which produce bumps commonly on the soles of the feet, the hands, knees, and sometimes even on the face. For those who don’t like the expensive surgical procedures, you can try these remedies at home to rid your skin of these unsightly skin lesions.
1. Put warm water on a small basin and soak the affected area for fifteen to 20 minutes. Dry the affected area and use a cotton ball to apply apple cider or white vinegar and leave it on for the next fifteen minutes. Wash it off and then pat dry.
2. Dissolve aspirin with a drop of water. Apply the solution to the affected area and cover it with plaster or ban aid. Do this twice everyday.
3. Baking soda and a bit of water can be rubbed over the affected area 3 to 4 times each day. For moles, soak gauge cloth with castor oil and baking soda and place it over the mole. Leave it on overnight.
4. Plantar warts are quite painful. You can use banana peel to treat it but it could take months before you can remove the warts. Do this everyday and remove it only when you take a bath.
5. If you have cashew nuts at home, chew it first and place it over the affected area. Do this for a month and the skin lesions will disappear.
6. Warts can be rubbed with the open stem of dandelion. Repeat this procedure for 3 times in day.
7. Crushed garlic is also one effective way of removing warts. Secure the crushed garlic pulp with a plaster or band aid overnight.
8. Finely chopped onion mixed with salt can also be used to treat warts. Use the juice and rub it on the warts three times a day.
9. Extracts from grapefruit seeds can also be used to treat warts. Cover the extract with plaster or band aid and in a month’s time, the warts will disappear.
Try these effective methods at home to remove the warts, moles, and skin tags. These are inexpensive methods and the materials can be found mostly at home. You don’t have to buy them because you can find them in your kitchen. To ensure maximum effectiveness, you must follow the directions on how to apply them properly.
By applying the remedies religiously, the unwanted moles, warts, and skin tags will disappear. The remedies require some time before results can be visibly seen but you mustn’t lose hope. Keep applying the remedies and soon the skin lesions will disappear.
As you can see, using the home remedies can take months before the skin lesions disappear. For individuals who want to get rid of the skin lesions the fast way, the surgical methods are the best but you must prepare some money. So which method are you going to choose – the less expensive home remedies or the expensive surgical methods?
The Different Bad Breath Herbal Remedies
Although, you still have to do the same regular oral hygiene so that halitosis bacteria will not stay in your mouth. This bacteria usually thrives on the posterior of your tongue so when you see yellowish or whitish accumulation on that part, it will only identify the build up of these bacteria.
Some of the most prevalent herbal remedies you can try at home are as follow:
1.) Myrrh. This is the most popular herbal remedy for halitosis, which you can use conveniently in your home. It is a natural antiseptic so it can kill oral bacteria without the aid of any aesthetic medicine. But you have to stir at least five or up to ten drops of myrrh if you want to use it as a mouthwash. When you feel creative, you can replace water with herbal tea. Doing so will improve its aroma as well as the flavor, making it more enticing and exciting to gurgle.
2.) Mint tea or rosemary tea. These teas are famous as breath-fresheners. You can drink use it as a drink or chew it just like a gum. If you want to reinvent, extract it as a gurgle.
3.) Tea tree oil. This tea tree extract must come from the Australian Melaleuca Alternifolia. This is used as an important ingredient to dental products because of its strong medical properties. You can use it in place of your toothpaste or mouthwash. This will help cure your bad breath and even keep your gums healthy. You can also use it when you floss. Dip your dental floss on this oil before you use it and floss properly.
This will enable the tea tree oil to be inserted in between teeth so there’s no way bacteria will ever be accumulated in these areas. Melaleuca Alternifolia has a very strong taste that may turn you away, but if you really want fresher breath, use it for best results.
Using herbal hygiene in treating your halitosis at home must be partnered with discipline. You have to watch out the foods and drinks you eat as these are the things that will foul up your mouth. These things leave residues where bacteria start. Also make sure that you give your teeth, tongue, and cheek walls proper oral hygiene.
And this must be very regular to ensure that the bacteria will be killed permanently so you can enjoy the same fresh breath. When you do, you can then again flash those even, white teeth all the time.
The best thing of losing halitosis for good is that you will be able to resume the old you, the social life and relationships that you nearly lose because people are backing away from you when you open that foul mouth of yours. You also once again regain the self confidence that you really need most. So check out this home remedies and see for yourself how easy you can regain your fresh breath.
Know the Different Bad Breath Home Remedy
1.) Prove to yourself that you really have bad breath to prevent from overreacting or overdoing your oral hygiene. Lick your wrist and have it dried in about five seconds. Then smell it. How does it smell to you? How it smells is just the same as how your breath smells to other people.
2.) If you have a bad breath, it is now time to know how bad it is. Get a metal or silver spoon and scrape the back part of your tongue. By the way, that part of your tongue is the posterior and the front part is the anterior. The posterior is where the halitosis bacteria thrive. Smell the residue that is left into the spoon after scraping. How does it smell to you this time? If it is worse than you think, too bad, you have a chronic bad breath!
Now that you know what level of bad breath you will be dealing with, here are the list of useful home remedies you can use to treat yourself in the comfort of your home:
1.) Improving your oral hygienic method. This time, it’s not enough for you to toothbrush alone; you also need to use mouthwash and deodorizer. Do this regularly and properly.
2.) You also have to brush your tongue, starting on the back and going outwards.
3.) When you eat dairy foods, meats, and fish, make sure you brush your teeth. Or at least, gurgle mouthwash if a toothbrush is not available.
4.) Drink a lot of fluids with the exemption of coffee and alcohol as these beverages can even aggravate your oral condition.
5.) Eat fibrous foods. These types of foods are very safe for your oral condition.
6.) Have your breath tested on your kids or nieces and nephews. They will surely not mind after all by being creative on how to do it. One of the most effective ways is by making fun of it or just comparing your smells. Or if even kids make you think you will look a fool in testing your breath odor, you can use the above mentioned procedures to track your improvement.
If you are satisfied with how you are doing, don’t be settled and go back to your slack oral hygiene practices. Continue practicing what you have already learned and you will surely be more than happy to know that the chronic bad breath you once experience is totally gone. It will even be more satisfying to know that no one knew you went over it in the sanctuaries of your home.
Therefore, no one will even believe that you once have it because you never officially admitted it.
Some Of The Top Natural Cures for Bad Breath
If you don’t have people giving signs or telling you that your breath has a bad case of odorous smell, you wouldn’t know it. But once you started getting signs that you are a sufferer, don’t despair as there are available natural cures for bad breath. You can do this at home, so you are spared with yet another embarrassment. Check the following to ensure your bad breath don’t continue humiliating you in front of many people:
• Drinking lots of water. Don’t you know that having a dry mouth breeds more bad bacteria that cause the smelly odor? You have to hydrate your mouth often as bacteria breed a community of bad compounds. The love it when it is dry because that the time when they can multiply quickly. Therefore, lots of water intake will stop these bacteria from breeding since they are busy with activities to keep your mouth healthy.
• Regularly brushing, flossing, and mouth washing. Needless to say, these are the right dental care that you need to practice daily. Improper practice of this routine can leave your teeth and mouth stuck with food and beverage particles, which turn themselves into decaying compounds. It does not only cause bad breath but can also destroy your teeth. It is recommended that you brush and floss every after meal; however, it may also depend on your dentist‘s prescription so check with them regularly too.
• Eating yogurt. This may sound not a proper suggestion, but yogurt has good bacteria that actually work inside your mouth to get it rid of bad bacteria causing smelly odor. Just remember though to eat low carb or sugar-free yogurt. As a natural cure for bad breath, intake should at least be twice a day continued for six weeks.
• Rinsing with water and baking soda. Again, this may sound not an appropriate one, but baking soda is known to have something in it that can disinfect. To cure bad breath, the baking soda must be mixed with warm water. Gargle the mixture for one minute, and then spit it out.
• Drinking green tea beverage. Green tea has elements in it that when taken at least once cup a day can help in getting rid of bad breath. It does not only cure bad breath, but also full of antioxidants which are great for your health as well.
No one particularly likes someone suffering from halitosis, or bad breath. If you don’t want your social life affected by this condition, cure it with any the mentioned natural cures for bad breath mentioned above. Those are some of the top natural ways to get rid of halitosis and can be practiced at the comfort of your home so you don’t need to get yourself embarrassed more usually experienced when consulting another person.
However, when any of the abovementioned ways does not make any difference to remove bad breath condition, obviously there is no other solution except to drive right away down to your dentist’s clinic or to your doctor to seek more serious halitosis treatments.
Home Cures for Bad Breath
But where do these bacteria came from? Ironically, the bacteria are by products of the food that are eaten by people. In a simple experiment, after a food is left unconsumed in the table, it will rotten over time. The bacteria are by-products of the rotten residues of the food that people ate. Because the human saliva has a digestive agent, the process of rotting of the food residues is even made faster. The good thing is that halitosis is not a disease or a fatal illness. It is just a hygienic condition. However, when halitosis is not addressed and intervened properly, it can lead some complications in the mouth such as gum and throat problems among others. Aside from this implication, you might also lose some friends or you may become the talk of the town.
Because halitosis is purely hygienic problem in nature, the main thing a person can do to banish or solve this is by advocating cleanliness. Regular brushing of teeth is advised and also regular cleaning of the tongue and other parts of the mouth. When bad breath was not removed or goes back after some few hours try to have this simple home based interventions.
1.) Check for broken tooth – because the main residence of the bacteria are the places in the mouth that are not often cleaned by regular brushing, it is better to have the tooth be extracted or be bonded. For complete procedures you may ask your dentist about this.
2.) Consider mouth rinse – mouth rinse is very effective mouth cleansers. They are specifically formulated to target mouth bacteria that live even to the smallest place in the mouth. There are so many brands and flavors that you can choose from in the market for this product.
3.) Drink plenty of water – Aside from this will help you get rid of toxics from inside your body, this will also help you keep the mouth wet thereby increasing production of saliva and pushing down dirty saliva down the waste deposits of the body. More water can help you flush food residue out of your mouth down to your intestines thereby lowering your chances of having bad breath.
4.) Chew gum – this is a temporary intervention. Whenever you feel that your mouth is already dry and you do not have any access to water, you may opt to chew gum instead. Cinnamon flavored gums are said to have an odor control properties which helps eliminates bad breath. You may also choose spearmint and eucalyptus flavored gums.
5.) Quit smoking – studies showed that one of the effects of smoking is bad breath. This is because some nicotine and tar can accumulate in the lining of the tongues which can cause bad odor in the mouth.
Just remember that halitosis is not particularly a disease. The main thing here is cleanliness. This will surely keep bad breath away.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Herbal Allergy Relief: Fight Nature With Nature
Proliferation Of Drug Based Medications
It is therefore a good idea to consider using herbal allergy relief products even though the availability of artificial drug based medications is proliferating and widely used. People that suffer from allergies need to find suitable solutions for their symptoms and herbal allergy relief products are a wonderful option that offers many benefits. In fact, many herbal allergy relief products have been around for a long time and are not a new phenomenon by any stretch of imagination.
Even before the advent of artificial medicines, herbs have for long been used by one and all to treat a variety of ailments. Of late, herbal allergy relief products have started to represent a renewed interest in natural treatment options. The fact of the matter is that most allergies (excepting intolerance to chemicals) are caused by naturally occurring substances.
In order to fight fire with fire it makes good sense therefore to turn to getting herbal allergy relief as there are few side effects to worry about and nature can best fight nature and this has in fact been proven when the effects of herbal allergy relief products are studied.
However, it is not recommended to try and experiment with different herbal allergy relief products because herbs are very potent and must only be used under medical supervision. You should consult with experts before trying out any herbal allergy relief product because what works with one person might not work with another and only an expert will be able to recommend the proper solution.
Fall hay fever is a typical case of seasonal allergies and in case you notice symptoms of this allergy you will do well to look for ways and means by which to get seasonal allergy relief. For example, you may need to identify the level of pollen in the area that you live in and then even move to a place where this count is on the low side in order to prevent the allergy from affecting you.
It is also never a good idea to experiment with different herbal allergy relief products simply because they have been recommended by an acquaintance or friend since wrong use can cause further suffering. All said and done, using herbal allergy relief products in conjunction with different allergy medicines will prove to be very beneficial in alleviating the suffering caused by different kinds of allergies.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Teething Remedies
The teeth eruption is a major stage in the evolution of a child, it marks the passage to a different step of development and it rises a number of challenges for both infant and parents. There are all sorts of unpleasant symptoms associated with teeth eruption, but fortunately some teething remedies do work to alleviate the baby's discomfort. Such teething remedies fall into different categories: there are the medical products like gels and powders, and there are also other popular solutions to soothe a teething baby.
Though widely used, the teething remedies that rely on all sorts of chemical compounds are not exactly a great choice. Pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs for pediatric use, gels, foams and mouth solutions do soothe the child, but they expose the little ones to possible side effects. Hence, it is very important that you do not administrate any such product without consulting a health care provider first. Even the harmless gels contain all sorts of flavors that make them easy to use and pleasant for the child.
Rings and teething toys are definitely considered the best teething remedies: they are nice and comfy to chew at and they calm the pressure in the baby's gums. Moreover, you can put a teething ring in the fridge or the freezer and give it cold to the child as an advanced means of alleviating pain. Discomfort can also be reduced if you give the child cold liquids to drink; nevertheless, this is one other risky solution on the list of teething remedies as the infant may get ill.
Since the babies will chew at any object close at hand, it is very likely that they should turn to clothes and blankets to alleviate their discomfort. Take teething blankets into consideration when you are looking for teething remedies: such items have rubber and plastic corners for the baby to chew at. The only thing about such products is that they have to be made of very durable materials, so that they do not get loose and become a threat to the child.
Last but not least, teething biscuits are often the choice of many parents when it comes to finding teething remedies. Nevertheless, there is one small issue to be taken into consideration here: teething biscuits can bring too high an amount of sugar to be reliable. They do help the baby by alleviating the soreness in the gums, but they also expose him or her to digestive problems; consequently such teething remedies need to be used with great care.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Herbal Remedies for Alcoholism
There are a few simple remedies which can be followed at home to treat alcoholism. These remedies effectively reduce the effect of alcoholism. Effect of alcohol can be lowered effectively with the help of fruit juices.
Hangovers can be handled by drinking the juice of a lemon or orange. Apple and bananas help in bringing out the toxins from the body which may accumulate due to consumption of alcohol in excess.
The urge to drink can greatly be reduced by eating dates and grapes. A diet of only grapes for one whole week reduces the craving for drinking drastically. One way to reduce craving for alcohol is to take various other drinks in large quantities. Carrot juice is also an excellent drink which can reduce the person’s urge to reach out for alcohol.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Natural Remedies for Intermittent Fevers (Malaria and Others)
Malaria was at one time supposed to be caused by bad air as its name indicates (from the Italian mala aria-bad air) and is also known as Ague, Paludism, Jungle Fever, Marsh Fever and Periodic fever. In the beginning it may occur every day, every second or third day and if untreated assume a chronic form called Malarial cachexia with a tendency of frequent relapses. In the end of the nineteenth century it was conclusively proved to be caused by a variety of mosquitoes, the Anopheles. It is found throughout the world, but is endemic to hot, humid climates where there are marshes or long stretches of stagnant water. Malaria is generally of three types, depending upon the parasites which cause it. They are: (i) the tertian fever; (ii) the quarten fever; and (iii) the malignant tertian malaria.
The Malaria parasites lodge themselves into the liver of their victim wherefrom they are released into the blood stream causing all the havoc associated with the fever. Before the fever strikes, there are symptoms like headache, vague pains throughout the body, chilliness and a slight rise of temperature. Malaria has three stages: (i) the cold stage; (ii) the hot stage; and (iii) the sweating stage. At first the sufferer feels chilled to the bone and any number of blankets or quilts heaped over him give him no relief. As he feels .cold, his temperature continue to rise; it sometimes goes up to 106°F. This stage lasts for some hours after which the second stage and when the fever reaches its peak, the third stage of sweating begins: There is profuse perspiration and a gradual lowering of body temperature as the sweat cools it.
If Malaria is quartan, there is an intermission of two days before the next attack. In tertian fever, the attack comes on alternate days. But in aestivoautumnal fever each attack may last more than one day and the next attack may come on the heels of the earlier one.
Malaria, sometimes continues for many hours in the second stage; the fever continues to rise even beyond 106°F. If hyperpyrexia develops the temperature may continue to increase till the death of the patient.
Preventive Steps for Intermittent Fevers:
The preventive aspect of Malaria is as important as the curative one. First of all one should protect oneself from mosquito bites. Public health measures like cleanliness, environmental hygiene and eradication of stretches of stagnant water should be undertaken. But in view of the fact that the Malaria-spreading mosquitoes have become immune to the chemicals used to destroy them, keeping one's body covered from mosquitoes is perhaps the best prophylactic. Another factor which plays an important part is the susceptibility to the disease: people with a strong vital force are better able to withstand the onslaught of the disease.
The virulence of Malarial fever can be reduced i~ the victim is given a mild laxative before an attack. When the attack comes, cool water should be given to the patient to drink and the moment the temperature goes beyond 103°F cold compresses to the head as described in case of general fevers should be applied. If the fever continues to rise and threatens to cross the 107°F mark, emergency procedures like wrapping his body in sheets dipped in cold water, should be started.
Another prophylactic against Malaria is the Tulsi (Holy Basil) which has been used in India for centuries. Some practitioners of the Indian systems of medicine recommend the infusion of some leaves of green Basil with daily tea. If 10 grams of the juice of the Tulsi plant mixed with 5 grams of powder of Black Pepper are given to the patient in the cold stage of the fever, the virulence of the malady is checked. The temperature in that case will not go beyond manageable limits. Alternatively, 10 grams of leaves of Fever Nut Tree (Karanjwa) should be ground in water with 1/2 gram of Pepper and the water drunk after straining. A few days' use gives protection against Malaria.
Natural Home Remedies for Intermittent Fevers:
Three grams of Lime should be dissolved in 50 grams of water and the juice of one Lemon added to it. The supernatant water should be taken before the attack of the fever; it is a specific for quartan fever.
Alum roasted over a .hot plate and powdered should be taken four hours before the expected attack of Malaria and every two hours after it to get relief.
The red shell of the Butter Seeds should be mixed with an equal weight of kernel of Fever Nut and ground fine with a little water; pills of the size of Gram should be made and four hours before the attack of fever-be it quartan, tertian or quotidian-one pill should be taken every two hours to reduce the virulence of the attack.
Natural Treatment of Erysipelas
Erysipelas of the face begins' with symptoms of general discomfort. The patient feels languid, drowsy and there is a feeling of chilliness which later develops into fever which may go upto 105°F. Inflammation may start with the tip of the nose; if it is not controlled in time, it may spread to the glottis leading to fatal results. If it attacks the membranes of the brain, the result is almost always fatal.
When the disease is in a severe form, vesicles appear on the reddened, inflamed skin and if care is not taken, they may burst and turn into sores. Among infants the causative factor is a sore in the navel and the infection is likely to spread to the mother.
Natural Home Remedies for Erysipelas:
The sufferer should be segregated to stop the infection from spreading to others. Twenty grams of extract of Rasaut should be steeped in one litre of water overnight and the supernatant water given to the child to drink every time he feels thirsty. In the case of a suckling infant, the mother should also drink the same water. For local application on the vesicles, a paste of Rasaut and white Sandalwood ground in juice of green Coriander is recommended. If green Coriander is not available water may be used in its place. The leaves of the Cypress tree (Saroo) should be ground in water to form paste to help relieve the condition.
The dietary regimen is the same as in the case of other fevers. The child must be protected against exposure; no cold bath should be given to him. Till the vesicles disappear, no bath should be given to the child: sponging his body should suffice.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Home Remedies for Bulbous Eruptions
Home Remedies for Bulbous Eruptions
The first step against Bulbous Eruptions is to segregate the victim. The best course is to keep the fever down to manageable limits and to take care of the pustules when they form. If after the fever has gone down (the temperature recedes only when. the pustules start forming), the pustules have not fully come out on the surface of the body, a Fig should be cut into pieces and cooked in a little water. One decigram Saffron should be mixed with it after straining it. The decoction helps shorten the course of the disease.
Care should be taken to deal with the eruptions which are usually the site of intense itching when they are in the process of recovery. Scratching is likely to lead to formation of wounds on the skin.
Natural Remedies & Cures for Measles Infection
In the beginning of the attack, there is acute catarrh of the nose; sneezing follows with a watery discharge and there may also be some bleeding from the nose. The temperature of the body goes upto 104°F and there is headache, thirst, restlessness, dry cough and hoarseness of voice. The fever goes back on the third day and the rash characteristic of measles appears on the fourth. It is first noticed on the forehead, cheeks, chin, behind the ears and also on the neck. It consists of small spots of dusky red or crimson colour, slightly elevated above the surface of the skin. The face is swollen and bloated. The rash is present in the mouth and throat at times. It starts receding after three to four days and a light peeling of the skin is noticed during convalescence. The fever starts going down with the coming of the rash and when the eruption appears fully, the fever recedes.
Measles is not a fatal disease unless of course, the bronchi or the lungs have become affected. The first thing when the rash is noticed is to clothe the child-in warm clothes; hot water and other hot liquids should be given to the patient to help the rash to appear. A few raisins should be given to the child to eat and powdered liquorice with honey should be given to relieve the cough typical of measles. A powder of equal parts of tamarind seeds and turmeric should be given in 4 to 5 decigrams doses thrice daily.
Natural Remedies & Cures for Measles Infection:
Practitioners of Indian systems of medicine have depended on the calx of Stag's Horn to deal with Measles Infection. It is given in 120 grams doses thrice daily with honey. A decoction of Khub Kalan (Sismbrium Irio) (12 grams) and dried Grapes (10 grams) with one litre of water-to be boiled till one third of the original water remains should be given along with the Stag's Horn calx. This will help the rash disappear quickly.
The most important precaution to be taken in case of measles is to see that the fever is not suppressed. Its suppression is likely to lead to a fresh attack of the malady which will be more severe. The patient should be given a normal diet depending on his powers of digestion. He should rest in a soft bed in a darkened room to save his eyes from strain.
Natural Treatment for Chicken Pox
Natural Remedies for Chicken Pox:
No medication is recommended because the disease disappears when it has completed its course. The only thing that can be done is to stop any medication that might have been started for fever, the moment the eruption typical of chicken-pox begins to appear. It takes about a week to cl1re, but if it strikes adults (which it does infrequently) it may leave the patient in a state of prostration. There are no dietary restrictions to be recommended in the case of chicken-pox because it does not affect the digestive system. Care should, however, be taken to avoid purgatives in case of constipation and any hard to digest food should not be given to the patient.
What is the Natural Cure for Small Pox?
Smallpox is characterized by fever and the appearance on the surface of the body an eruption which after passing through various stages dries up, leaving more or less distinct and permanent scars. The fever continues for some days before the pustules appear on the body. Pus forms in the pustules which takes ten to twelve days to dry up
Natural Remedies for Small Pox:
The first step against smallpox is to segregate the victim. The best course is to keep the fever down to manageable limits and to take care of the pustules when they form. If after the fever has gone down (the temperature recedes only when. the pustules start forming), the pustules have not fully come out on the surface of the body, two Jejube (Unnab) fruits, three grams of Khaksi (Sisymbrium Irio) and six grams of Sugar should be boiled together and strained. The decoction should be given with three Raisins if the patient is constipated. Alternatively, a Fig should be cut into pieces and cooked in a little water. One decigram Saffron should be mixed with it after straining it. The decoction helps shorten the course of the disease.
If the pustules itch during drying up a salt free diet should be given to the patient. The body of the patient should be exposed to the smoke of Jhau (Tamarix Gallica) or Bhojpatra (Betula Bhojpatra) leaves. When the scabs start falling off, cow's ghee or sesame oil, slightly warmed, should be applied to the scars.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Natural Treatment for Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke
The fever of heat stroke comes on suddenly; the temperature rises up to 106°F and sometimes up to 108°F. At that moment, the anal temperature may be above 110°F a danger sign if immediate steps are not taken.
Natural Treatment for Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke:
If the temperature goes beyond 104°F, cold compresses to the forehead is the obvious answer. If the fever shows signs of increasing in spite of the cold compresses, the clothes of the patient should be taken off and the body wrapped in a sheet dipped in ice-cold water. The sheet should be changed after every 15 minutes till the temperature comes down to 103°F.
The patient should be given plenty of liquid. During the mango season, a couple of raw Mangoes should be boiled and expressed; the resultant soup should be given with a little salt to the patient.
Preventive Steps for Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke:
Prevention is always better than cure and it applies more to heat stroke than to any other malady. One must cover one's head and the nape of the neck during summer while going out in the sun. Plenty of water should be drunk even if one does not feel thirsty. Salt intake should be increased because body salts are constantly being depleted due to profuse sweating in summer. Juice of Lemon added to a glass of cold water with a pinch of Salt makes an excellent drink to ward off heat stroke.
Rheumatic Fever Natural Cures
Rheumatic fever begins with a chill, .followed by fever and a feeling of stiffness or pain in 'one or more joints, usually those of the knees, ankles, wrists or shoulders. The temperature does not usually go beyond 103°F but a peculiar complication which arises from the poisons released by the malady into the system is that the heart is involved when the inf1ammation reaches its membranes. It is difficult of diagnosis because the swelling in the joints of the children is not immediately noticeable.
Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Rheumatic Fever:
Asparagus Seeds, Black Cumin (Kalaunji), Fenugreek and Ajwain should be taken in equal quantities and ground into powder. Three grams of the powder swallowed with water every morning controls the swelling of rheumatism.
A useful prescription to help relieve the pain of rheumatic fever is: one decigram of White Arsenic, one dried Grape and four decigrams of Pepper ground fine and made into 24 pills. One pill should be taken after breakfast.
As for poultices and medications for local application, the following should be tried: Boil one kilo of root of Castor Oil tree in 8 kilos of water; when one fourth of the liquid is left, it should be strained. It is then boiled with 112 kg of Castor Oil till all the water has evaporated. This oil should be rubbed over the affected parts and bandaged with cotton wool.
Natural Cures for Typhoid Fever
A bacillus, Salmonella Typhi, is the cause of typhoid fever which overtakes the patient gradually. Its onset is so insidious that the victim may move about without realizing it: he only feels a little feverishness and a vague sense of unease. The most prominent' symptoms of typhoid are: headache, lassitude, insomnia and feverishness at night, till it reaches its peak on 8th day. It may continue for 21 days or even longer. A marked feature is that the pulse rate does not go up in proportion to the rise in temperature. Of course, in protracted cases, if there is ulceration of the intestines, the pulse may become weak and thready in addition to being slow. Since it involves the intestines, abdominal symptoms become apparent from the very beginning. The stomach may be distended and there' may be gurgling sounds when the abdomen is palpitated. Diarrhoea accompanies fever in many cases, but not always.
Natural Cures & Remedies for Typhoid Fever:
Practitioners of Indian systems of medicine have depended on the calx of Stag's Horn to deal with typhoid. It is given in 120 grams doses thrice daily with honey. A decoction of Khub Kalan (Sismbrium Irio) (12 grams) and dried Grapes (10 grams) with one litre of water-to be boiled till one third of the original water remains should be given along with the Stag's Horn calx.
Diet during typhoid is of the utmost importance since the fever is of intestinal origin. Keep the patient on fruit juices; alternatively, milk might be given. But no solids should be permitted to burden the digestive system. Nor should constipation be allowed to if it does, the best course to relieve the condition is a glycerine suppository.
In some cases of typhoid, there is an eruption on the skin which is pearly white in color; sometimes there is a variety of pink spots on the skin. It is therefore known, as Motijhira or Motichoor. When the eruption begins to show, Khamira Marwarid (an electuary made of pearls) should be given to the patient. Alternatively, jejube Berries (Unnab) 2 in number, Raisins 3 in number, Khaksi (Sisymbrium Irio)-3 grams and Mishri (sugar candy) 12 grams should be boiled in about 100 ml. of water and strained. The decoction should be given in small doses. If the patient has cough along with the above symptoms, one gram of liquorice powder should be added to the decoction. If even after the administration of the above decoction the rash does not appear, three grams of Rice should be put in a small glass phial and 10 Cochinialinsects (Birbalwoti) should be introduced into it and allowed to remain there till they die. The phial should be shaken frequently till the dead insects give their colour to the rice. If the eruption shows signs of subsiding without fully coming out, one grain of rice from the phial should be ground in milk or water and given thrice a day.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Natural Home Cures for Common Fever

n the case of common fevers, where there are no complications or where the exact cause is not known, unless the temperature goes beyond tolerable limits no medication is necessary because such a fever might be the way of nature to get rid of the various poisons accumulated in the body. In the modern age, being used to an ease-loving life and habits, people rush to the doctors the moment they find that their temperature goes a little above the normal. But the Hakims and the Vaids in the past, when the modern system of medicine had not made inroads into our life, frowned on immediate medication for a fever. They merely advised the patient to fast and take nothing but water for a couple of days. The patient generally got rid of the malady in 48 to 72 hours and was none the worse for his trouble.
Treatment for Common Fever:
The commonsense exhibited by the Hakims and Vaids still holds good since it is in total conformity with the laws of nature. Fever, unless it is accompanied by dangerous symptoms, e.g., a closing glottis as in diptheria, should not be interfered with for the first three days. If it does not subside then or goes beyond manageable limits, for example, if the temperature threatens to rise above 106°F action should be taken to bring it back to normal. The very first thing (and completely safe too) to be undertaken in the case of rising fever is to wash the forehead of the patient with cold water in which rose water and little vinegar has been mixed. Cold compresses should be kept on his head if the temperature is above 103°F. If in spite of the cold compresses the fever continues to rise and reaches 106°F, immediate emergency procedures should be started. The clothes of the patient should be removed and he should be wrapped in a cotton sheet dipped in ice-cold water and a blanket wrapped over it. The temperature would start coming down. The sheet should be changed every fifteen minutes. Or, the body of the patient should be bathed in cold water while the fan is working at full speed. When the temperature has come down to 103"F, only a cold compress on the head would do. At the first sign of falling temperature, cold compresses should also be discontinued.
During fever, the patient should not be fed. Most people lose their appetite during fever and that should be taken' as a warning from the nature. It is not natural for a person to feel hungry when his system is fighting a fever and there is no earthly reason to forcefeed him under the mistaken notion that fever will weaken him if he is allowed to go hungry. Doctors do caution the patient not to eat any solids when he is in the grip of typhoid, but in other fevers this precaution is not, unfortunately, taken. The only thing that a patient suffering from fever should be allowed is fruit juices. Juice of lemon in a glass of water with a pinch of salt should be given to him. The patient must take as much water as he can drink, because the heat of the fever tends to dry up the humous of the body. Lack of liquids may lead to dehydration which is much more difficult to handle than an ordinary fever.
Natural Home Cures for Common Fever:
As for medication, the Holy Basil (Tulsi) plant and its tender leaves are a specific for many fevers. During the rainy season when malaria and dengue fever are common some tender leaves of Holy Basil (Tulsi) boiled with common afternoon tea act as a prophylactic. In the case of acute fevers of unknown origin, a decoction made of about 12 grams of Holy Basil (Tulsi) leaves boiled with powdered Cardamom in half a litre of water, mixed with sugar and milk, would bring down the temperature. Powder of the root of the Horse Radish (Shigru) is another remedy for common fevers in their preliminary stages.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Home Remedy for Toothache
A mixture of a pinch of pepper powder and a quarter teaspoon of common salt is an excellent dentifrice. Its daily use prevents dental caries, foul breath, bleeding from die gums, painful gums, and toothaches. It cures die increased sensitiveness of the teeth. A pinch of pepper powder mixed with clove oil can be put on die caries to alleviate die toothache.
Vanilla for Toothache:
Put several drops of vanilla directly on the affected tooth.
Salt and Alum Remedy for Toothache:
Mix 1/2 teaspoon each of salt and alum. Pack in and around the tooth for quick pain relief.
Toothache Remedies with Lime:
Lime, as a rich source of vitamin C, is useful in maintaining the health of die teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of die teeth, dental caries, toothache, and bleeding of die gums.
Toothache Remedies with Clove and Peanut Butter:
Mixture of crushed clove and peanut butter will provide relief. Apply this to the aching tooth and keep it in there for some time.
Toothache Home Remedies with Onion:
Latest research has confirmed die bactericidal properties of onion. If a person consumes one raw onion every day by thorough mastication, he will be protected from a host of loom disorders. Chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all die germs in die mouth. Toothache is often allayed by placing a small piece of onion on die bad tooth or gum.
Remedies with Garlic and Salt:
Make a paste of garlic and add some rock salt to it. Make a homogeneous mixture to apply on the affected area.
Toothache Home Remedies with Garlic:
Garlic is one of most effective of several home remedies for toothache. A clove of garlic with a little rock salt should be placed on the affected tooth. It will relieve the pain and, sometimes, may even cure it. A clove should also be chewed daily in the morning. It will make die teeth strong and healthy.
Alcohol Toothache Remedies:
You can try out swig of whiskey over the irritating tooth. Once the gums surrounding absorb some quantity of alcohol, it delivers a kind of anesthesia to the affected area which results in lessening the pain.
Toothache Remedies with Clove:
The use of a clove in toothache reduces pain. It also helps to decrease infection due to its antiseptic properties. Clove oil, applied to a cavity in a decayed tooth, also relieves toothache.
Toothache Remedies using Turmeric:
Turmeric sticks are good for toothache. Burn some turmeric sticks, make a fine powder, and use it as toothpowder.
Pain Killer Recipes for Toothache:
Get 5 grams of fresh peppermint, add it in one cup of water and boil it, add half table spoon of salt. Make the water lukewarm and drink it.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Natural Remedies and Cures for MOSQUITO Bites
Apparent immunity may also occur after repeated fly bites, but this immunity may be lost if the individual is not bitten for a period of time. Reactions to the bites of other insects probably evolve through stages similar to those described above.
Some individuals are much more attractive to mosquitoes than others. In general, men are preferred over women and children. Dark-skinned races (Mongoloid and Negroid) have more problems with mosquitoes than Caucasians. Dark-colored clothing also draws the insects. Healthy people are more attractive than the ailing. Perfumes and hormone medications also seem to appeal to these insects. Sweat attracts mosquitoes while skin oils seem to repel them. Mosquitoes follow currents of warm, moist air and carbon dioxide. Thus, active, panting, sweating, persons will be attacked more than their sluggish counterparts.
Treatment for Mosquito Bites
Treatment of mosquito bites other than cleansing of the skin is usually unnecessary. Medications for itching, infection, and allergic reactions are used as needed.
Here are some natural home remedies for mosquito bites
Natural Remedies for Mosquito Bites with Alcohol
Rub the bite with rubbing alcohol if available. This will cool the bug bite and also disinfect it.
Natural Remedies for Mosquito Bites using Baking Soda
Take a couple tablespoons of baking soda and mix it with water to create a pasty substance. Apply this homemade paste to the mosquito bite. If baking soda is unavailable, rub soap on the bite and leave it on.
Natural Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites using Garlic
Take a knob off the garlic and cut in half. Rub the garlic onto the mosquito bites. You should notice immediate relief from the itching.
Natural Remedies for Mosquito Bites with Apple Cider Vinegar
Treat mosquito bites using apple cider vinegar. Pour a bit onto a cotton ball and rub it on the bite. It usually stops the itch quickly.
Lavender Oil for Mosquito Bites
Use 2-3 drops of lavender oil and massage the spot gently.
Homemade Massage Recipe for Mosquito Bites (Swelling)
Mix the 2-3 drops of lavender and tea tree essential oils and apply on the skin.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Tips for Using Natural Remedies to Treat Skin Conditions
When hearing that caution should be used when looking to treat a number of minor skin conditions, there are many individuals who are concerned. After all, natural remedies are supposed to be a safe way to seek treatment or relief from a minor medical condition. Yes, natural remedies are safe, but it is also important to proceed with caution where the skin is concerned. This is because the human skin reacts differently to different items, including ingredients in many home remedies.
One type of skin condition that many individuals seek treatment for is that of a wart. Warts can be painful, but they can also be unattractive. The good news is that there are a number of natural remedies that be used to remove a wart. One of those remedies involves applying the milk from a dandelion weed multiple times a day until the wart is removed. Although this natural remedy will see success for many, it is important to take your skin into consideration. Do you regularly find yourself itching after coming into contact with weeds, plants, or flowers? If you do, a dandelion natural remedy may not be right for you, as it may cause further skin irritation.
Although it is important to proceed with caution when using any natural remedy, especially a remedy to treat a minor skin condition, it is important that you do not completely write off home remedies. Remember that they do work and there are a number of benefits to using them. These benefits include affordability and ease, as most of the items needed for natural remedies can already be found in the home and a natural remedy can save you from having to make a costly trip to the doctor’s office.
As for safely and effectively using a natural remedy to treat a skin condition, do not use any natural remedies that have an ingredient that you know you are allergic to or that you have reactions to, such as dairy products. Also, be sure to be careful with large portions of the skin that need to be treated. For example, if your whole arm has broken out in an eczema rash, test a natural remedy on a small part of your arm before covering the whole area. This will help to make sure that natural remedy in question will not lead to further skin irritation. When taking this approach though, please remember that you may not see immediate relief or disappearance of a rash, as many remedies take at least two or three days to start working.
As stated above, it is important to proceed with caution when using a natural remedy or a home remedy to treat a skin condition. With that being said, as long as you know exactly what you are applying to your skin and as long as you follow all directions, you should be able to see success.
Tips for Using Natural Remedies
Although natural remedies do work in most cases, it is important to know that you may see a variance. For example, there are some individuals who claim that drinking grape juice, namely the juice directly from ripe grapes, is a great way to relieve the pain associated with a headache or a migraine. Yes, this approach may work for others, but that does not necessarily mean that that same natural remedy will work for you. The good news though is that there are multiple home remedies for different medical problems. For example, a fresh apple each morning, a cabbage compress, and a cold compress are other natural ways that can provide relief from a headache or a migraine. This means that even if you can’t find relief right away, there should be another remedy out there that can provide you with relief.
Since there should be a number of natural remedies for you to choose from, you will want to examine each of the available remedies. What you will then want to do to is choose the remedy that is most convenient for you. For example, natural remedies that are effective at removing warts include castor oil, ripe pineapples, onions, and potatoes. What you will want to do is choose the item that you already have in your home. For example, if you have a bag of potatoes in your cupboard slice up a potato and rub it on your wart. Doing so each night for a couple of weeks will help to remove your wart. This method will also prevent you from having to make a trip to the grocery store, as you chose a natural remedy that involved an item in which you already had in your home.
Safety should also be touched on when looking to use a natural remedy to cure a minor medical issue, such as a headache, migraine, or a toothache. If you rely on herbal remedies or vitamins to provide you with relief are you also taking prescribed medication? If so, you may want to place a quick telephone call to your doctor or pharmacist. Most times, you will be okay, but there are a small number of prescribed medications that should not be taken with herbal supplements or vitamins. Even though the chance of a dangerous combination happening is very small, there is still no harm in checking first.
In keeping with safety, it is important to know what you are allergic to. For example, if you are allergic to an ingredient that may be listed in a natural remedy, you are advised against using that remedy. Even if the ingredient that you may have a bad reaction to is only a small component, it is still best if you avoid that particular remedy. With that being said, it was stated above how most minor medical issues can be treated with a number of different natural remedies. That is why you should never put yourself at risk for an allergic reaction, especially when you should have a number of other natural and safe remedies to choose from.
As a recap, natural remedies are a safe and effective way to seek relief or treat a large number of minor medical issues, but you are still advised to proceed with caution. Seek the advice of a healthcare professional if you take prescribed medication and never use a natural remedy that contains an ingredient which you are allergic to or known to have a reaction with.
Tips for Choosing the Best Natural Remedy
When choosing a natural remedy to seek relief, it is important to first take a look at what you are trying to treat, cure, or seek pain relief from. This is important, as natural remedies vary depending on the medical issue at hand. For example, clove is natural way to relieve a toothache, as well as prevent infection; however, this approach does not prove successful when treating a headache. As for headaches, a cold compress or a cold cabbage compress works as a natural way to seek relief. The variance is why it is important to find a natural remedy that targets exactly what it is you are looking to treat, cure, or seek relief from.
Another important point to take into consideration is the ingredients. As it was previously stated, many natural remedies are also commonly referred to as home remedies. This is because many of the needed ingredients can already be found in most homes. For example, potatoes, fresh pineapples, and onions work with wart removal. Since potatoes, fresh pineapples, and onions are all commonly consumed foods, there is a good chance that you already have one of the items in your home. Also, since you will have multiple home remedies to choose from, you should choose the one that is most convenient in terms of supplies.
In keeping with convenience, it is not only important to choose a natural remedy that requires the use of items that you already have at home, but it also important to choose a natural remedy that is easy to follow. Typically, you will find that most have short and easy to follow directions, but it is still important to make sure. For example, there are around fifteen to twenty natural remedies recommended for headaches and migraines. You should choose the natural remedy that has short, but detailed directions, as well as the natural remedy that produces the quickest results.
Speaking of quickest results, it is important to note that you will see a variance. For starters, it is important to know that just because a natural remedy has proven successful for another individual, it does not mean that you will see that same results. That is one of the many reasons why many online websites and natural remedy books recommend multiple natural remedies. It is also important to make note of the length of treatment. For example, there are some natural remedies for wart removal that produce results in as few as two to three days, while other natural remedies may require months worth of treatment.
The above mentioned points are all points that you will want to take into consideration, when looking to make use of a natural remedy. As a reminder, natural remedies and home remedies are easy to find online or with the use of a natural or home remedy book.
The Pros and Cons of Relying on Natural Remedies to Seek Relief
Are you suffering from a minor medical issue, such as a toothache or headache? If you are, you may be looking for relief. Although many minor medical issues can be treated with the use of over-the-counter products, natural remedies, also commonly referred to as home remedies, should be examined.
As nice as it is to hear that relief can be sought from the use of a natural remedy for many minor medical issues, you may be looking for more information. After all, some individuals aren’t truly sure if natural remedies work or if they are even safe for that matter. To help you decide if you should give natural remedies a try the next time that you experience a headache, toothache, or if you would like to remove a wart at home, you should examine the pros and cons of natural remedies.
One of the many reasons why natural remedies come so highly rated and recommend is because of all of their benefits. One of those benefits or plus side is ease of finding. Unfortunately, many individuals do not know where to look when looking to find information on a natural remedy. Many are actually surprised when they learn just how easy it is. For starters, the internet should be examined. Online, there are a number of natural remedy websites. These websites list detailed information on natural remedies that are known to assist with a number of medical issues, ranging from headaches to menstrual cramps to head lice. There are also printed resources, like books and manuals, available for sale.
Another pro or plus side to seeking relief or treatment from a natural remedy is the ease of use. As it was previously stated, many natural remedies are also commonly referred to as home remedies. This is because many of the ingredients needed can be found right inside the home. For example, those looking to kill head lice can use vinegar or mayonnaise, which many individuals already have in their cupboards or refrigerators. It is also important to mention that most remedies are simple. For example, a natural remedy for sunburns involves mashing a banana and applying it to affected area for about an hours worth of time.
Your options are another one of the pros or plus sides to using natural remedies. Regardless of which medical issue you are looking to treat, cure, or seek relief from, you should have a number of different options. For example, mashed bananas were sited as an example above for sunburns. In addition to this natural remedy, Aloe Vera, vitamin E, and ripe tomatoes are known to provide relief. What does this mean for you? It means that if you are concerned with a particular natural remedy or allergic to one of the ingredients, you should still have a number of other natural remedies to choose from.
Although there are a number of pros or plus sides to using natural remedies, there are also a small number of downsides or cons to doing so as well. Perhaps, the greatest is the uncertainty. Just because a certain home remedy worked for one individual, it does not necessarily mean that it will for you. With that being said, you shouldn’t be wasting much money at all by trying a home remedy, as most of the products should already be found inside your home. And, it is also important to restate that you should have a number of natural remedies to choose from. There is a good chance that at least one of those remedies will be able to provide you with relief.
Natural Remedy Books: Are They Worth the Buy?
If you are interested in treating minor health issues naturally, you may want to purchase a natural remedy book. Natural remedy books are books in which natural remedies are complied. Often times these books cover a wide range of minor medical issues, such as headaches, migraines, warts, chicken pox, dry skin, cramps from menstruation, and so forth. As nice as it may be to have a resource like this readily available in your home, you may be curious as to whether or not natural remedy books are worth the buy. As for if they are, you will find that it honestly all depends.
When determining if you should purchase a natural remedy book to keep in your home, there are a number of important questions that you will want to ask yourself. These questions, a few of which are highlighted below, will help you determine whether or not you truly need to purchase a natural remedy book.
The first question that you want to ask yourself is how often you are faced with minor medical issues that could be treated with the use of a home remedy or a natural remedy. For example, how often do you suffer from debilitating headaches or migraines? If only once a year, a home remedy book may not necessarily be needed. With that being said, if you find yourself dealing with a number of minor medical issues that you would like to seek relief from, like a headache or a migraine, month after month or week after week, a home remedy book may be a wise investment for you.
Another question that you will want to ask yourself, when trying to determine if you should purchase a home remedy or a natural remedy book is if you have access to the internet. If you do, this can benefit you in a number of different ways. For starters, a standard internet search should provide you with access to a number of home remedy and natural remedy websites, free of charge. If you are looking to treat a specific issue, such as a migraine, incorporate that minor health issue into your standard internet search. For example, perform a standard internet search with the phrase “natural remedies for migraines.” This limits the amount of searching and research that you will have to do.
If you would like to purchase a home remedy or a natural remedy book, the good news is that you have a number of different options. There are a number of books currently available for sale. Typically speaking, you will want to buy the newer editions, as they are more updated than books with older publishing dates. You may also like the affordability of some natural remedy books. In fact, the affordability makes it so that many people can afford a natural remedy book, even if they don’t necessarily need to have one.
As previously stated, the internet can help you on a number of different levels when looking to seek information on a home or natural remedy. In addition to performing a standard internet search to gain access to free remedies, you can also use the internet to find and buy natural remedy books. The internet is nice is this aspect, as you can easily compare books and their prices. This can allow you to save a considerable amount of money on a home remedy book.
As you can see, there are a number of advantages and disadvantages to buying a natural remedy book to have readily available in your home. As a recap, those advantages and disadvantages are the affordable prices of most books and the fact that home remedies and natural remedies can easily be found online and free of charge.
Natural Remedies: Why You Should Give Them a Try
Each year, millions of Americans are faced with minor medical issues. These minor medical issues can range from headaches to chicken pox to head lice to warts. Although most minor medical issues, such as the ones previously mentioned, do not require medical treatment, many individuals are still looking for relief. Although over-the-counter medications do work in most cases, did you know that there is likely a number of natural remedies that you can also use to seek relief?
As nice as it is to hear that many minor medical issues can be treated with a natural remedy, you may be curious as to why you should give it a try. After a close examination, you will find that there are a number of benefits to using natural remedies, as opposed to over-the-counter medications. A few of those benefits are highlight below for your convenience.
Perhaps, the greatest reason why you should at least give natural remedies a close look is because you know what you are putting into your body. For example, the juice from grapes is known as a natural remedy for headaches. When eating grapes or simply just drinking the juice from them, you know exactly what you are putting into your body, a grape. On the other hand, over-the-counter pain relievers are filled with countless ingredients, which are not natural. In fact, over-the-counter pain relievers and other over-the-counter medications are often full of warnings. This should cause you concern if it doesn’t already.
In addition to being known as natural remedies, many are also commonly referred to as home remedies. This is because many individuals have the ingredients required in their homes already. For example, did you know that warts can effectively be removed by applying fresh cut onions, potatoes, or even pineapples to the wart? They can be and there is a good chance that you already have at least one of these food items in your home. What does this mean for you? It means that, depending on the home remedy in question, you can seek relief from the comfort of your own home, without making an extra trip to the drug store and without spending any additional money.
Speaking of saving money with the use of natural or home remedies, you may be surprised just how much money you are able to save. For example, if you are a parent whose child has head lice, did you know that you could easily spend between $30 and $50 on over-the-counter treatments? You can, but it is also important to mention that many young children develop lice multiple times a year. This is often due in part to the fact that not all children in a classroom have their lice effectively removed and lice may still be present in the home, which makes a re-infection easy. This could result in spending hundreds of dollars on over-the-counter treatments, when vinegar and mayonnaise are known as natural ways to get rid of head lice.
Another one of the many benefits to relying on the use of natural remedies, as opposed to over-the-counter medications, is the ease of use. As previously stated, many natural and home remedies use items that you already have inside your home, saving you a trip to the store and money. Not only that, but if you are currently unfamiliar with home remedies, it is easy to research them, especially online. A standard internet search can be performed, with the phrase “natural remedies,” or “home remedies.” With that being said, there are home and natural remedy books that can be purchased for affordable prices, both on and offline.
As you can see, there are a number of benefits to relying on natural remedies to treat many minor medical issues, especially when compared to over-the-counter medications. As previously stated, it is easy to find a wide range of home remedies online, free of charge. For that reason, at least consider trying a home remedy the next time that you are looking to seek relief. You may be surprised with the results.
Natural Remedies for Warts
As previously stated, those looking to have a wart removed have a number of different options. Two popular options involve visiting a medical provider for a professional removal and purchasing an over-the-counter wart removal product. Of course, these approaches will work, but you may be looking for home remedy or a natural remedy. If you are looking for natural ways to remove a wart and from the comfort of your own home, please continue reading on. Below a number of home remedies for warts are outlined.
Castor oil can help with wart removal. Unfortunately, this method of treatment can take up to a month or more, but it is still considered an effective way to remove a wart. What you will want to do is apply a small amount of castor oil to your wart. When doing so, you have a couple of options. There are some individuals who recommend applying castor oil twice a day, but others claim that only applying castor oil at night can work just as well.
Raw, uncooked potatoes can also provide assistance with the removal of a wart. What is nice about this natural remedy for wart removal is that many already have a bag full of potatoes in their homes. When using a potato, cut the potato in half or into a smaller portion. Next, rub the potato on the affected area. This step should be repeated multiple times a day, at least two or three times. Many individuals will see success in about two weeks worth of time. In addition to potatoes, onions can also be used. Cut an onion and rub it on a wart, just as you would with a potato.
Using fresh pineapples is another natural and effective way to remove a wart. What is nice about this home remedy and natural remedy is that is often produces quick results. Some individuals may see their wart disappear in as few as three days. As for the steps that you must take, cut a fresh pineapple and apply a piece to the wart, doing so multiple times a day. As previously stated, your wart may disappear in as little as three days.
Grapefruit juice is another natural way to remove a wart with the use of food. When using a grapefruit to remove your wart, cut a grapefruit in half and squeeze the juice out. Apply a relatively small amount of grapefruit juice to the wart. This should be done multiple times a day, particularly two to four times a day. The area should then be covered with a bandage. Results will vary, but your wart should be removed in around a week or two.
In keeping with food, bananas peels can also be used. When using this natural remedy for warts, peel the banana and take a piece of the peel and place it on the wart. You may want to use tape or a bandage to help it stick. Make sure that the yellow side of the peel is facing the wart. One banana peel should last for about twelve hours worth of time. It is best to do this overnight and nightly for about one or two weeks or at least until the wart is gone.
Dandelion milk is another natural way to remove a wart. When using this approach, cut the stem of a dandelion and squeeze the milk out. Apply the milk to the wart. This should be done multiple times a day, namely around two or three times. For added convenience, cut a number of dandelions and squeeze the milk all at once. You can then store it in a small container. When doing so, make sure that the container is covered to prevent the dandelion milk from drying out.
Natural Remedies for Toothaches
One natural remedy that works great for toothaches is that of onion consumption. There are a number of medical studies that proved that onions have bacterial benefits. For that reason, individuals suffering from a toothache should put a small onion piece on the tooth that is causing them pain. Relief can typically be seen in a manner of minutes. Also, due to the benefits of onions, those who eat a couple of raw onion pieces everyday can protect their teeth. This is because a raw onion can help to kill common germs and bacteria in the mouth that can cause dental complications, such as a cavity.
Another natural remedy and home remedies that is ideal for treating a toothache involves the consumption of garlic. A clove of garlic can be placed on the tooth that is producing the pain. Within a matter of minutes relief will be felt. This relief may even be permanent or it will last the longest, when compared to many other natural and home remedies for toothaches. In addition to garlic, a clove can be placed on the affected tooth. This will not only provide pain relief, but clove is also known to limit the chances of an infection.
Pepper is considered a natural remedy and a home remedy that can help with a toothache that results from a cavity. When using this approach, a pinch of pepper should be placed on a tooth cavity. Many others also recommend adding in about a quarter of a teaspoon of salt to create a salt and pepper combination. As previously stated, this can help to provide relief from a toothache associated with a cavity, but there are other dental benefits associated with this remedy as well. A small mixture of pepper and salt can also provide relief from bad breath and gum problems, such as soft or infected gums.
In addition to using the above mentioned home remedies and natural remedies for toothaches, preventative steps should also be taken. This involves seeking regular dental care. A dental checkup is advised at least once a year; however, twice a year is better for those with known dental problems. Another preventative step that can be taken involves limiting the consumption of sugary foods and drinks, such as candy and soft drinks. These food and drinks can increase the chances of a cavity developing. If these sugary food and drinks are consumed, a quick brushing is advised.
Speaking of food and drinks, those that are high in vitamin C and calcium are known to prevent many dental complications, including loose teeth, cavities, and gum disease. Lime is recommended for the healthy maintenance of teeth; however, dairy products, which are high in calcium should also be consumed on a regular basis. If you are a parent, it is advised that you provide your children with a constant source of these calcium and vitamin C rich foods, to limit the dental problems they may have in the future.
As outlined above, a number of natural remedies and home remedies can provide relief with a toothache. With that being said, it is also important to remember that preventative care is advised. Also, although the above mentioned natural remedies will provide most relief from many common dental problems, a visit to a dentist is recommend for those suffering from severe, long-lasting pain.
Natural Remedies for the Chicken Pox
Vitamin E oil is a great way to give a child with the chicken pox relief. Vitamin E oil should be applied to the skin. Application once or twice a day should provide enough relief. What is unique about this natural remedy is it not only helps to relieve itching, but it can also help with healing. Vitamin E oil, when applied directly to the skin, can help to heal many of the marks associated with chicken pox. This is also ideal to help prevent scaring.
Herbal tea is another remedy that is ideal for children with the chicken pox. Many natural herbal teas, provide drinkers with calmness. This is ideal for children with the chicken pox, as many end up feeling hopeless and restless. When using this approach though, be sure to limit your child’s consumption to one tea drink a day and at a slow consumption pace.
Honey can also be used on a child who is suffering from the chicken pox. When using this natural remedy, the honey should be applied to the skin. Although this can be messy, it will be able to provide your child with relief. In fact, the relief will appear almost instantly. Many also claim that honey helps to speed up the chicken pox and helps a child or even an adult with the chicken pox heal at a much quicker rate of speed.
Pea water, namely green pea water, is another natural way to relieve many of the discomforts associated with having the chicken pox. Green pea water can provide relief when the skin is and feels irritated. It can also help with that uncontrollable urge to itch. An easy way to use green pea water is to cook peas on the stove. Drain the peas, but save the water. Let the green pea water cool and then apply to the skin.
One of the best ways to relieve the need to itch that is commonly associated with the chicken pox is with oatmeal. Oatmeal can be applied to the skin; however, many parents find the best success when preparing an oatmeal bath for their children. When doing so, you can prepare a large quantity of oatmeal and then place it in a cloth bag, which should then be placed in the bath water. This approach is nice, as it tends to eliminate the mess associated with an old fashion oatmeal bath.
Although an oatmeal bath is recommended for those suffering from the chicken pox, there are also others who recommend no baths at all. This recommendation is made when traditional baths are given, as opposed to oatmeal baths. Online, you can find a number of stories from parents who bathed one child during the chicken pox, but not the other. Many were surprised that there was a slight difference in healing times. Although this has yet to be proven, it is still an important point that should be taken into consideration.
As highlighted above, there are a number of natural remedies and home remedies that are ideal at helping a child deal with the chicken pox. As ideal as these remedies are, it is still important that you discuss the chicken pox with your child. Explain to them that their bumps and markings will soon disappear from their body, but that it is important not to touch or itch them. Should they feel the need to do so, be sure that they know to come to you for assistance.
Natural Remedies for Skincare
If you are an individual who suffers from peeling skin, you are urged to examine the vitamins that you currently consume. Whether it be through the taking of a vitamin supplement or through the consumption of vitamin rich foods, vitamins can play an important role in healthy skin. Proteins, vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C can also assist with peeling skin. They do so by replenishing the skin with needed nutrients. For food consumption, fish, eggs, carrots, milk, cheese, vegetables, and citrus fruits should be consumed on a daily basis.
Eczema is another skin problem experienced by many. Eczema is dangerous on many different levels, as it often produces the uncontrollable urge to itch. This can result in an itchy rash, which can also increase one’s chances of developing an infection. One of the best ways to prevent an eczema outbreak is limit exposure to trigger factors. For some individuals, a trigger factor is food, such a dairy products. For others, an eczema trigger factor is close contact with certain chemicals, such as laundry detergent. If eczema is developed, a natural remedy that can provide relief is the daily consumption of tomato juice.
Razor burn is another skin problem that is experienced by men, women, as well as teenagers. The best way to prevent razor burn is by careful shaving. Warm water should be used to help soften up the skin. Soap is also advised, as it can help to move the razor along, resulting in less skin nicks and cuts. Should razor burn develop, crush a few strawberries and mix them with one spoon full sour cream. This mixture should be applied to the affected area and left on for around ten to fifteen minutes. Apply daily until the razor burn is no longer an issue.
Sunburn is another one of the many skin complications that many seek relief from. The good news with sunburns is that there are a number of natural remedies that can provide relief, mostly with the pain. Aloe Vera is one of the most well-known natural remedies for sunburns. Other remedies involve milk and raw cucumbers. For cucumbers, apply slices of raw cucumbers to the burned area for relief and a reduction in skin inflammation. As for milk, dip it in a paper towel or cloth and gently apply to the skin. Milk tends to have a claming affect on burned and inflamed skin.
Dry skin is another skin condition that many try to seek relief from. Dry skin can result in itching and it can increase one’s chances of having an eczema outbreak. The good news, however, is that it is easy for many to naturally seek relief from dry skin. A mashed ripe banana is an ideal way to treat dry skin on the neck and face. Of course, this natural remedy can be used on other parts of the body, but it can get quite messy. Easy ways to relieve dry skin on the whole body include taking a milk bath once or twice a month or adding five drops of oat extract to warm bathwater.
As outlined above, there are a number of natural remedies and home remedies that are ideal for treating a wide range of skin complications. Where the skin is concerned, it is important to keep any open cuts or wounds covered, as the risk of infection is quite high. Should you ever suspect an infection, seek medical treatment immediately, even if you are using some of the above mentioned natural remedies.
Natural Remedies for Pets: Are They Safe?
In the United States, there are millions of Americans who use natural remedies as a way to seek treatment or relief from a minor medical issue. Since many are pleased with the results, ease of use, as well as affordability, many pet owners wonder if natural remedies can be used on their pets. In most cases, you will see that they can.
When it comes to using natural remedies for pets, there are a number of important points that you will first want to take into consideration. One of those points is your source of information. If you decide to use a natural remedy that you got online, be sure to use your best judgment. Make sure that you are getting your information from a trusted website. In fact, the best ways to get information on natural remedies for pets is by buying printed resources, namely remedy books for pets, or by speaking with a vet.
Another point that you will want to take into consideration, before deciding to use a natural remedy on your pet, is the problem at hand. For example, if your dog is having difficulty breathing or if they are bleeding excessively from a deep wound, it may be best to seek professional help. With that being said, natural remedies are a safe, easy, and affordable way to treat some pets with minor medical issues.
Now that you know it is safe to use natural remedies on pets, you may be wondering what some of the most popular remedies are. A few popular home remedies for pets are outlined below. However, remember that additional remedies can be found online, with a standard internet search, by speaking with a vet, or by purchasing printed natural remedy resources for pets.
Arthritis is a problem that many older dogs deal with. If you are the owner of a dog who is suffering from arthritis, there are number of natural ways that you can provide them with relief. A warm wet washcloth or towel can be applied to the painful area for about twenty to thirty minutes. Additional steps involve reducing your dog’s weight and keeping them away from extremely cold temperatures.
Ear mites is another issue that pets, especially dogs and cats deal with. Ear mites are important to take care of, as they result in itching, which can lead to an infection and other complications. One natural way to get rid of ear mites is to create an ounce or half-ounce mixture of vitamin E and almond. The mixture should then be put into a dropper and inserted in your dog or cat’s ear. Garlic and olive oil can also be used to reduce the itching that is commonly associated with ear mites.
Although natural remedies can be used on many other pets, besides just cats and dogs, it is important to use your best judgment, as previously stated. Just because one home remedy works on one animal, like a dog, it does not mean that it will work or be safe for another animal, like a horse. If you use the internet to find information on natural remedies, be sure to find detailed and specific instructions. This simple step can help to ensure that your pet gets the best level of relief, safely, from the use of a natural remedy.